– a yearly conference and meeting place for marine technology industry

The conference will take place December 3rd-4th in Stavanger.


Call for Speakers

The Conferences organizers are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract by August 15th 2024 for consideration for the Subsea Lifting and Marine Operations Conference 2024.
Abstracts are welcome on other subjects that authors believe would be of interest to the audience.

How to submit your paper

The aim of the conference is to improve the understanding of operational issues and to connect design specialists, people responsible for selection of concepts and the installation contractors.

“As a first time attendee, I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and the mixture of topics covered.
It was also very good to speak with colleagues from other companies as well as from various suppliers.”

Knowledge ensures a good economy!

The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) is often informed that subsea lifting operations have exceeded the cost budget by several million NOKs due to lack of knowledge within relevant disciplines. Often the costs are exceeded because the operation duration is longer than planned. The conference will therefore focus on the various phases of a subsea installation operation and will be to present and exchange knowledge about criticals topics of marine operations involving subsea lifts.

Target audience:
  • Engineers in companies engaged in design/operation analysis of subsea structures and marine contractor companies
  • Personnel in subsea engineering companies and other companies performing design of subsea structures and other equipment and tools used in an operation
  • Competent persons for offshore cranes and lifting appliances
  • Suppliers of specialised tools and equipment for subsea lifting operations
  • Authorities and others formulating recommendations or evaluation criteria and undertakes control functions
  • Warranty surveyors
  • Operational responsible personnel in energy companies


We will arrange space for a exhibition in direct connection to the conference. Here, companies that serve actors in the subsea and marine area will be allowed to display their products and services.
The fee for one exhibition booth (5 sq. m.) is NOK 7.500,- (excl. VAT). You must be registered as a participant at the conference to be an exhibitor. The mini exhibition will be in the area outside the conference room, with a limitation of totally 10 exhibitors.

If you have any questions or want to book your space, contact:

Stene Kristiansen
Conference Manager
Tel: +47 92292883

subsea-and-marine-operations-exhibition  Subsea-and-marine-lifting-operations-conference

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Tone Kildahl