SLBA-forum – Sikre løft i bygg og anlegg

SLBA-forum – Sikre løft i bygg og anlegg

Forumet er et møtested for entreprenører, HMS ledere, byggeledere, kranførere og andre interesserte, og vil medvirke til drøfting av ideer, bygge nettverk på tvers av virksomhetene og bidra til erfaringsoverføring som gir alle en økt faglig kompetanse. Forumet...
The 25th International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference

The 25th International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference

November 29th until December 1sth 2022 in Aberdeen. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet and share experiences with North Sea offshore petroleum regulators, experts and industry leaders from the offshore crane and lifting operations community. In a global...
Subsea Lifting Operations Conference

Subsea Lifting Operations Conference

December 6th-7th 2022, Clarion Hotel Air, Sola, Stavanger.   The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) continues its success with its annual meeting forum for people working with subsea lifting operations! The aim of the conference is to improve the...